Tree of Life Placenta Services
                                                                        WHAT IS PLACENTOPHAGY?
It is the consumption of your placenta after birth. Placentophagy has been a part of many cultures for several centuries.

• Increase in energy
• Faster healing time after birth
• Increase production of breast milk
• Decrease of baby blues and postpartum depression
• Decrease of iron deficiency
• Decrease of insomnia or sleep disorders

Your placenta is full of your own bio-specific hormones and healing properties:

Gonadotropin: the precursor to estrogen, progesterone and testosterone.
Prolactin: promotes lactation.
Oxytocin: The Love hormone. Promotes feelings of love and connectedness /bonding; produced during breastfeeding to facilitate bonding of mother and infant.
Thyroid stimulating hormone: boosts energy and helps recovery from stressful events.
Cortisone: combats stress and unlocks energy stores.
Interferon: stimulates the immune system to protect against infections.
Prostaglandins: anti-inflammatory.
Hemoglobin: replenishes iron deficiency and anemia, a common postpartum condition.
Urokinase inhibiting factor and factor XIII: stops bleeding and enhances wound healing.
Gammaglobulin: immune booster that helps protect against postpartum infections.

Based on the "RAW" Method Placenta Encapsulation - BASE FEE: $200.00 if booked BEFORE 38wks. $260.00 if contacted AFTER 38wks, AFTER LABOR STARTS OR BABY IS DELIVERED
(Hours of pickup  8am-9pm)

With this method of preparation, the placenta is rinsed, sliced, dehydrated at 165 degrees (to kill any bacteria), and then ground into a powder for the capsules. It is believed that using this method provides a burst of energy upfront and great hormone stabilization.

Placenta Tincture - FEE: $10 (if you supply 4oz of 100 proof Vodka) $20 (If I supply Vodka)

In this process, I add a small portion of placenta to 100 proof alcohol and set it to infuse for 6 weeks. Some of the benefits include hormone stabilization in your postpartum cycles, less bleeding during those cycles, energy and for menopause years down the road. The daughter can also benefit from placenta tincture once she begins her menstruation cycle

POSTPARTUM HERB KIT $20 (1 month supply or $30 for 2 month supply)

This herb kit includes 60 capsules of garlic, cayenne pepper, fennel, and St. Johns wort and red raspberry loose leaf.
The benefits of these herbs during the postpartum period include:

*Cayenne Pepper – cayenne pepper is one of the most powerful herbs used to stimulate the bodies’ energy to heal itself – also beneficial in increasing circulation and stopping internal and external bleeding.

*Fennel Seed – is used to aid digestion, appetite, and increase milk supply. It has also been used to treat colic in infants.

*Garlic – a natural antibiotic and immune system support helps keep the mom healthy and also aids circulation.

*Red Raspberry Leaf – truly *the* herb of the childbearing year, red raspberry is beneficial for a number of reasons. It has been used in the following: nausea, childbirth, digestion, labor pains, miscarriage, after pains of childbirth, pregnancy, antacids, flatulence (gas), milk supply, and strengthens and tones the uterus.

*St. John’s Wort – a very beneficial postpartum herb, St. John’s Wort has been used to relieve bruises, muscle pain, postpartum pain and depression, uterine/menstrual pain, anxiety and urinary deficiency.

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